Our Work

Department of Regional New South Wales (DRNSW Mapping)

Client: Dept of Regional NSW

The Department of Regional NSW engaged Macroplan to create an interactive mapping tool identifying business enterprises in the Hunter Region by industry type and employment size, with the purpose of assisting Government and industry decision making concerning decarbonisation.

Macroplan developed a comprehensive GIS database referencing the Australia Business Register (ABR), planning/zoning, business investment data, business properties for sale and for lease, major business parks/precincts and mining, employment lands, major investment projects identified by Infrastructure Australia and Transport NSW. This information was used to develop an online interactive GIS web mapping tool displaying key statistics for all available datasets.

The interactive GIS mapping tool allows data extraction to KML/XLS, data selection features, advanced query tools, proximity and drawing tools and exporting of maps for reporting purposes.



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The study required a comprehensive understanding of the FIFO/worker accommodation market, a competitor analysis to inform potential room rates, what
Macroplan was asked to assess future demand for commercial and retail space in the Oran Park town centre.
Macroplan was engaged by Transport for NSW to prepare a highest and best use (HBU) assessment addressing several potential uses

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Level 12, 360 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
PH: (03) 9600 0500
Level 10, 580 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
PH: (02) 9221 5211

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Brisbane, QLD, 4000
PH: (07) 3221 8166

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